01. Overview

Project: Facial Keypoint Detection

Welcome to the Computer Vision capstone project in the AI Nanodegree program! In this project, you’ll combine your knowledge of computer vision techniques and deep learning to build and end-to-end facial keypoint recognition system. Facial keypoints include points around the eyes, nose, and mouth on any face and are used in many applications, from facial tracking to emotion recognition. Your completed code should be able to take in any image containing faces and identify the location of each face and their facial keypoints, as shown below.

Barack and Michelle Obama smiling, with facial keypoints detected

Barack and Michelle Obama smiling, with facial keypoints detected

Project Components

The project will be broken up into a few main parts in one Python notebook:

Part 1: Investigating OpenCV, pre-processing, and face detection

Part 2 : Training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect facial keypoints

Part 3 : Putting parts 1 and 2 together to identify facial keypoints on any image!

You'll also be given optional exercises that allow you to extend this project so that it works on video and allows you to implement fun face filters in real-time!

But before you can get started, you need to make sure you have all the required libraries, so read the next Getting Started steps carefully, then jump into to coding!